Sunday, December 27, 2009

Most requested reasons people are looking towards Hypnosis

After attending many Conferences and Meetings, I have found that many people are turning to hypnosis as an alternative ways for help!

And the best part of our new service can be done as a phone session if you would like.

The list keeps getting longer and longer of the needs for people to get their lives back in order after a tough year and without the use of medications.

Here are some the requests I have been receiving:
1)Quit smoking

2)Weight Loss

3)Many Different types of Phobias

4)Help with Anxiety and Stress Relief

5)Panic Attacks and the list goes on and on.

I want to be of help to you! You can either contact me by email
or call me at 925-516-2868 to discuss options.

Let's us start of the year off right!

Shayn Cutino

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The New World

When you choose to leap with your whole heart into love and leave fear completely behind you, with no thought into the future, you will have created the new world which to live in. To believe in oneself is to believe in love. Try it out on yourself. I assure you will not be sorry and you will never be the same again.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

As you are Blessed in your life...........

As you are blessed in your life, you become a blessing to others. A person who is filled with joy, filled with happiness, who smiles all the time, who laughes, who talks with cheerfulness - a person like this can't help but be a blessing to others. Because as you believe, so it is done unto thee. You all are a blessing to this learning school called Earth.

Friday, December 11, 2009

"We all Need Each Other"

Remember that life would be boring if we did not have each other. We all need each other to feel our own expression in the world. We are all unified with the world through the same desires: to love and be loved, to respect and be respected and to honor and be honored. All of us have the opportunity in our everyday lives to care, to express, to share, to laugh and to love. Life is a dance so get your dancing shoes on.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fighting a condition, a people, a circumstance, a nation or each other is essentially an act of ego. If you want to awaken into your own power, then it is imperative you focus on loving thoughts and gestures. When you make this change you begin to realize that this state of being feels totally natural, like it has alwa...ys been there. And it has. And it is. We are one in love.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mind and Body

Change your mind and your body will follow because your body is the servant of the mind. You make these changes by saying yes to life, yes to your power and by saying "Yes, I can"! There is no person and no energy that can stand in front of you and block your power. The only thing that can hold you from your dreams is ...the belief that you can't do it. Remember, all things are possible to those who believe.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello! This is Your Wise Mind Calling!

Many clients have now opted to have phone sessions (which are a fraction of the cost of a one-on-one). Sessions can be done in the comfort of a home or office saving both gas and time. Phone sessions have proven to be just as effective as the personal sessions but things are shifting even more.

So many people come into my office, texting with both hands as they arrive. In order to be effective I needed to adapt (once again) to their needs, abilities and skills. Subconscious mind to the rescue!!!!

So for my clients who spend more time on their cell phones than not, now there is yet another option.......Cell Phone Wisdom. As the client relaxes, they access the knowledge, the resources and the finest GPS that exists. It is self hypnosis creating positive programming and positive self talk. Think of it......a message recorded by me that can be played anytime, anywhere. As days, weeks and months progress, this wonderful collaboration of conscious and subconscious positively changes your life.

For more information, please contact me directly at (925) 516-2868.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"The Journey"

You are the are the creators. This is your life. Now choose to live without limits. The flight you are all looking for is your flight. Allow yourselves to sprout wings and fly. Do not let others scare you from it. Stand before it and see this day as the brightest day yet. Stand before the earth and prono...unce "I have arrived" and prepare to fly to the horizons and beyond.
Espavo - - Shayn Cutino

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Who are WE?

The grand adventure that we are all on is to discover who we really are, not that which we could never be. The illusion that appears before us, which holds reality as we know it, is contrived and false. Do not believe that we are a limited version from who we are. We are spirit manifest on a grand adventure in every fa...cet of life. Love, feel truth and seek unity. We are one in love.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Self Hypnosis

Self hypnosis is easy to learn, safe and completely natural. When you come for sessions with me, this is something that you are taught and it is the best gift that you could ever give yourself.

Self hypnosis is especially effective for people who are trying to release weight. You all know that advice comes and goes.....but how about mind over platter?

Over the next coming months I am going to share with you one of many self hypnosis ideas that work for fat habits.

Problem: Certain Times of the Day are Your Downfall

Solution: Take a deep breath and imagine yourself starting the day with a great breakfast, like a hard boiled egg, a fresh apple, or a small can of tuna. Imagine it as if it was manna from the gods. Yummmmmm! Now mentally rehearse yourself at that certain time of day when you used to go askew but now you are drinking refreshing water or taking a walk or perhaps savoring an apple.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Make it all about "YOU"

Now is the time of choosing within the coalescence. It is a time of individual choosing, a time of balanced choosing. Become balanced. Be and maintain your individual balance, being who you really are, not who the world wants you to be.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Within The Moment"

You are always residing within this one moment, and this moment is eternity. All else is illusion. Reside here for one moment and you will discover the depth of who you truly are. This moment is a splendid moment, one breath, one laugh, one sigh, one tear, one warm embrace, one child - one you - evermore.
Shayn Cutiino

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Shayn Cutino - Wisdom - Knowledge

Wisdom/knowledge overlaid with compassion/love along with focused intention/action creates the power that holds the keys to the universal storehouse of unmanifested potential - potential that is just waiting for you to create and mold anything that you envision. What are you waiting for? Get busy

The Learning Cafe - Bringing the Experts to You!

Shayn Cutino: Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypno-Coach
Anja Wellness: 925.516.2868

Shayn Cutino has always been a natural “corporate therapist”. Shayn has spent the last 26 years working with individuals and organizations, guiding them to achieve positive health and behavioral changes as well as defining values and ethics to develop leadership and team playing.

Shayn is a collaborative author of “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health”, assembled by David Riklan from Self-Growth and has recently release her own book entitled -“The Anja Technique he art of self love”. By utilizing hypnosis you create positive thoughts. Couple that with positive actions and the outcome you achieve is predictable and positive results.

“I believe in the value of what I do and what I offer to others. Your success has been in you since birth and hypnosis helps you find it”.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shayn Cutino - Anja Wellness- Gives a Presentation to DNP Members

Shayn Cutino of Anja Wellness gave DNP members a presentation on mind-body medicine. Shayn had everyone engrossed when she suggested that they close their eyes and follow along with her words which demonstrated the power of the mind. Shayn is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and pointed out many uses of hypnosis...everything from relieving stress and anxiety to losing weight and stopping smoking.

To find out more about Shayn you can visit her web site at

As quoted by Dr. Andrew Weil: “Hypnotherapy…takes advantage of the mind-body connection to foster healing. It is also one of the most common referrals we make for out patients. I often recommend it for a wide variety of conditions”.

Twenty Five things you might want to know about Shayn Cutino

1. I love all animals, especially my babies Chloe and Otis.
2. I used to like to cook but now I am all about going out to dinner.
3. I am a blues and jazz girl all the way.
4. I played the piano for 12 years and won a lot of awards.
5. I also played the cello for 10 years and was pretty darn good if I have to say.
6. I grew up in snow country and never knew that there were places in the US that didn't snow. What a revelation!
7. I am an avid reader and always have my nose in a book.
8. I have the best job in the entire world and absolutely love what I do - hypnosis.
9. I am inclined to favor movies that involve prisons - hum - I'd like to know what that is all about.
10. I love beautiful sunrises and sunsets - they are like Picasso pieces of art.
11. I love the beach and hope to live by one someday - maybe Hawaii or San Diego.
12. I am excited that my grand daughter is coming this summer to spend some time. We never get to see her and we are going to have so much FUN!
13. I am an abstract thinker and it serves me well in my business.
14. I have never had a surprise birthday party or anniversary party and that makes me sad. Maybe when I'm 80 I might get my wish but will I even remember it?
15. I favorite foods are Italian and Mexican. I think I have an addiction to cheese.
16. I believe in alternative healing medicines and try to apply it to my life in every way.
17. I love vacations and being a bum.
18. I love a good joke but I always blow it when I try to tell them.
19. My two favorite colors aren't even colors -black and white.
20. I used to be a redhead.
21. If I had a chance to go back and change my life, there are a few things that I would change. But then I realize that I have created my life and I am exactly where I need to be and have done it exactly as I had planned.
22. My favorite numbers are the odd ones and the even numbers really irritate me and I don't know why.
23. I love the Spring time. It has a rejuvenating energy that feels sooooo good.
24.My favorite flowers are tulips, which by the way, will be in season soon!Yippee!
25. I never worry and that bugs a lot of people. I follow my intuition and live my life in faith knowing that everything works as it was supposed to

"You are the angel for whom someone is waiting for today"

Be the solution for which you have prayed. Be the solution for which so many others have prayed today. As you do, you teach them to claim the same authority - not the priviledge - but the true purpose of your soul. In the words of Neale Donald Walsch "You are the angel for whom someone it waiting today." All of you are truly the angels the world awaits. But don't stop there........espavo

Saturday, October 31, 2009

What is Peace?

What is peace? Peace is more than the absense of violence, it is the ceasing of being against things. Seek out what you may have been against in your life and begin to change. That does not mean that you are in agreement with it, simply do not be against it. When you do this watch how room appears in your life, how space appears in your life. Most importantly though, watch how peace appears in your life. Seek peace.

Shayn Cutino

Monday, October 26, 2009

Can Hypnosis Help with Stress Induced Weight Gain? YES!

Good Morning All! May you all Have a Great Week!

"I found this article over the weekend and I would like to share it with everyone as I found it to be very interesting.”

Shayn Cutino
"Appeared in the July 15 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology"

For the study, 1,355 men and women was followed for more than nine years.

The research was supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the National Institute on Aging“Today’s economy is stressing people out, and stress has been linked to a number of illnesses —such as heart disease, high blood pressure and increased risk for cancer.

This study shows that stress is also linked to weight gain,” according to Jason Block, M.D., M.P.H., who conducted the research.

Women’s waistlines are affected by more types of stress, according to the study, “Psychosocial Stress and Change in Weight Among U.S. Adults.”

In addition to weight gain associated with financial problems or a difficult job, women also added pounds when grappling with strained family relationships and feeling limited by life’s circumstances.

For men, the numbers on the scale did not go up when facing difficult family relationships or feeling constrained by life circumstances. Among men, lack of decision-making authority at work and lack of skill discretion was associated with greater weight gain.

Skill discretion can be defined as the ability to learn new skills on the job and to perform interesting job duties.

Overall, this study found that people who reported increased psychological stress gained more weight if they already had higher body mass indexes (BMI).

Feel free to Contact me to see if I can be of some help to you.
Remember I am now offering Phone Sessions if that works out better for you.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Live from the Heart!

Live from the heart as much as you are capable in every moment. When you can give compassion, intergrity and love to yourself first, then you will be ready to give those qualities in the form of abilities, feelings, emotions, knowledge and wisdom to the world, in whatever way you choose.

Shayn Cutino

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More inspirational words................

Remember who you are. Remember who others are. Love and serve them in whatever way guidance comes to you. Know that the state of the world is in much better health than what the news media tells you. Believe in the future. Believe in a time when the state of the world lives in harmony.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Trusting "Self"

I wrote a series of thoughts in September for meditation purposes. But, I wanted to elaborate on a particular thought...I feel it's a timely message for alot of people and would be helpful to refocus energy on this message:

We are never to worry or doubt ourselves regarding our place in the world. We are to go see, to hear, to look and to feel the many blessings of creating in our lives. We are to know that as we go, everything we need will be waiting for us to discover through feeling and then through knowing. Allow the light that you are to shine brightly and say to yourself "All is well".

Life can be a very confusing and difficult journey at times. However, those difficult times somehow always lead back to better ones if we continue our belief in ourselves. It's a simplistic statement that involves contemplation of it's impact. If one resigns themselves to always having "bad luck" then the creation of bad luck is in effect.

The journey of life isn't complete without the joy, love, laughter and light it brings. By the same token, it isn't complete without the hardships, difficulties, crying or recognizing the darkness it can bring as well.

If you never experience darkness, how will you recognize light? It is the circle of life. You have everything you need. Trust in yourself.

Daily Message From your Friend Shayn Cutino

We are never to worry or doubt ourselves about our place in the world. We are to merely go looking, to go and to see, to hear and to feel the many blessings of creating in our lives. We are to know that as we go, and as we do that, everything we need... will be there waiting for us to discover, first through feeling and then through knowing.

Allow yourself to shine brightly and say All is well.

Shayn Cutino

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Day for YOU

In this day and age, so many people are struggling with fear. Those fears may involve anxiety of keeping or finding another job, paying bills each month and quite literally, keeping a roof over your head and food on the table.

With such fundamental needs causing worry can stop you from listening to your inner voice. Fear has known to paralyze people in such a way that they are unable to draw upon the energies necessary to overcome it. In fact, fear can lead to self-loathing or punishment. Today, right now; together we will overcome fear and self-loathing. Today, right now; we will reacquaint ourselves with The Art of Self Love. Here are some ideas to treat yourself to a day that is fun, and relaxing.

  • Spend the day at your favorite park. Perhaps taking a brisk walk on an unexplored pathway.
  • Visit a museum and leisurely admire the paintings and sculptures.
  • Browse my online store and choose from a variety of CD's which have been priced especially for 2009 stimulus. Enjoy! When you purchase, 10% of the proceeds are donated to charities.
  • Take a nap without excuse
  • Give yourself a manicure/pedicure/facial
  • Take a bubble bath with the lights low, candles burning and soft music playing.
  • Spend the day with a friend you haven't seen in awhile
  • Take your family on a picnic
  • Make yourself a fabulous meal of all your favorite foods. Relish each bite!
  • Create a Gratitude Journal and write your first entry tonight before going to sleep.
  • Listen to my CD's for relaxation and positive modification.
  • Repeat positive affirmations often - refer to "The Anja Technique, the art of self love" for examples.
  • You will feel refreshed, invigorated and ready to conquer fear.

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Golf Tournament 2009 Brentwood Chamber of Commerce.

What an amazing was over 100 degrees and I actually won a prize for closest to the hole. Not bad considering that I don't even golf! In photo from left to right are Olga, myself, Sal and Lyle......the motley crew.

Shayn Cutino

Monday, September 28, 2009

"The Anja Technique ~ the art of self love"

If you like Shayn Cutino's words of the day then the next step is to purchase a copy of her book

"The Anja Technique" is a book and companion CD that teaches you how to overcome the obstacles of inner conflict, self-doubt, negative thoughts, resentment, guilt, anger, fear, self-hate, self-criticism and jealousy.

Order today and Author Shayn Cutino can sign your copy of her book....Order you copy here

Any questions or comments you might have, feel free to email Shayn Cutino directly at:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Shayn Cutino is always full of inspirationThrough the use of her words!

September 22-
You are the holders of the light. When people fall into fear with all of the changes taking place, you are the ones who can make a difference. People are afraid of change and that is what will call you into action, for you have dedicated yourself to ...holding the flashlight for the highest outcome, without pointing the way or telling anyone which way to turn- you just shine the light so all may see.

September 23-
High heart is a gift formed from our love of humanity. "Follow your heart" truly means to follow the guidance that has already been placed within it, much like turning a paddle gently guides a canoe. One is never afraid of one's strength when that strength comes from a heart in true alignment with Spirit. Blessing to each of you in these days of holy contemplation.

September 24-
This is the beginning of the return. We must become more like little children to remember how to walk in beauty and balance upon the Earth, and realize that we are all more alike than we are different. Our true selves have always known the path to the light. Now is the time to begin the migration back to the path with heart. Espavo.

September 25-
The vibrations of truth are becoming more and more evident. If you are still in the mud know that things will get better. Old energies and old beliefs are being cleared because they not longer work. Your job now is to follow your higher self and enjoy...y your life. Travel if you can, hang out with family and friends and visualize a positive future and happiness for all. May everyone be happy and peaceful. Espavo.

September 26-
There is nothing that can keep you from manifesting your dreams except doubt and fear- the illusions that make you feel you are ever alone. Live your life, for one day, as if all your dreams will come true and watch the magic begin!

September 28-
We are never to worry or doubt ourselves regarding our place in the world. We are to go see, to hear, to look and to feel the many blessings of creating in our lives. We are to know that as we go, everything we need will be waiting for us to discover through feeling and then through knowing. Allow the light that you are to shine brightly and say to yourself "All is well".

Friday, September 18, 2009

Did you Know?

The following study was conducted at New York University – Bellevue Medical Center.

The following study shows the efficacy of hypnotherapy as compared to psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy:

After 600 sessions of psychoanalysis, 38% of patients reported recovery from their conditions.

Those receiving behavioral therapy improved 72% of all cases after 22 sessions.

Those receiving hypnotherapy produced a 93% success rate after only 6 sessions.

“Research over the last 40 years shows that such hypnotic techniques are safe and effective. Furthermore, a growing number of studies show that hypnotherapy can treat headaches, ease pain from childbirth, aid in quitting smoking, improve concentration and study habits, relieve minor phobias and serve as anesthesia – all without drugs or side effects.”
Psychology Today, January 2001

Subscribe today to the blog or website so that you can be updated on all new information available, new offerings, newsletters and so much more. The information will go directly to your email address.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shayn Cutino is having a contest and she will give the winner a signed copy of her book and CD.

Question- If you had a chance to have an hour long hypnosis session, what would it be for?

Winner will receive a signed copy of my Book and Cd "The Anja Technique"
"The Anja Technique" is a book and companion CD that teaches you how to overcome the obstacles of inner conflict, self-doubt, negative thoughts, resentment, guilt, anger, fear, self-hate, self-criticism and jealousy.

There are no right or wrong answers....Just leave your answer in the comment section and I will add to the blog.

Good Luck and enjoy,
Shayn Cutino

I will even get you started:

1)To Stop Smoking

2)To help with my ADD/ADHD to learn how to focus better

Shayn Cutino's Words for the day

Allow your eyes, even your physical eyes, to see that you are in midst of that which you have desired. Know that what you have been asking for you already have. What comes from this is a great sense of gratitude. "You are truly blessed" - and you are -"with what you do have".

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shayn Cutino's Thought for the Day -09-09-09

You are the story and the storyteller. You are the listener. You are the being who awakens to the truth. You are the truth itself. You are the healing. You are the cause and effect. You are the knowing and the unknowing. You are choice itself. Know that you are deeply loved.
Blessed be you always.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brentwood Chamber Presentation by Shayn Cutino

Brentwood Chamber presentation given on Thursday August 27 at the "GoodMorning Brentwood" series. The topic was "You Have The Power to Change YourLife".

This presentation was based on my most recent book entitled "The AnjaTechnique". I discussed in detail two of the ten obstacles that stand in ourway of literal or fugurative progress - fear and negative self talk.

Everyone enjoyed the presentation and many copies of my book (including a CD) were sold.

Thank you Brentwood Chamber for the opportunity

Best to all of you...

Shayn Cutino

"Shayn Cutino" is Guest Speaker at Brentwood Chamber of Commerce

Brentwood’s 2009 Art, Wine, and Jazz Festival Huge Success

Brentwood Grove
Sunday, August 30, 2009

By Jeremiah Peterson

If you were walking up 2nd Street in Brentwood on August 30th, 2009 you would have thought that you were at some mystical beach. Jazzstastic sounds filled the air, sand castle sculptors carefully formed their creations, and a multitude of people enjoyed wine and each other’s company. This wasn’t the beach; even better it was the Brentwood 2009 Art, Wine, and Jazz Festival. Wine makers from Napa, Brentwood, and the surrounding areas gathered to celebrate some of the finer things in life.

1st place vendor tent on Saturday went to Salvatore’s for his custom made one of a kind ravioli rollers and custom made pasta products.

told the Brentwood Grove that his products were made by precise tool carved wood making techniques. Since Salvatore is a cabinet maker by trade he brings extensive skill sets to this new line of pasta rollers. When asked about expansion plans for the pasta rollers there seemed to be an indication that the product was about to go global over the internet.

Immediate plans for the pasta rollers include an extensive Italian festival area marketing tour.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shayn Cutino's Words of Inspiration for Us All

"Have faith in yourself. Know that you are the future of hope for all humanity as well as the caretakers of each other. Live your life with a sense of pride and joy because there is no one else who can bring your voice to the forefront but you. Move a...way from fear, ego and fragmented thoughts so you can view yourself objectively. Now is the end of the beginning. Awaken the dreamer within."

"Have no expectations of yourself. Others will place their expectation on you, and when they do, realize that this is about their needs and desires and not yours. You are here to learn, to be free like children, to find joy, to explore the simplicity ...and honesty of life, and to grow through laughter and shared experiences. Your life was meant to be a joyful experience..... so allow yourself the chance to feel joy!"

"Open your heart, no matter how heavy your load or how painful a defeat may seem. Keep your focus on the positive that comes from these experiences and the happier you will be. We are all in this together and when you raise your vibration in love, it ...affects ALL. Know that everything is divinely perfect and that beyond the dark clouds, the sky is always blue and the sun never stops shining."

Times are rough for most of us in one way or another right now. Please feel free to contact me
and maybe I can be of some help!

(Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Practitioner, Soul Coach. Passionate about helping people overcome obstacles through hypnosis. Phone sessions available worldwide.)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Red States and Blue States, but What about Happy States?

One of the most satisfying parts of my professional life is when a client comes to me and shares her story of a life transformed. I became a hypnotherapist out of a desire to help people. Men and women often walk into my office with skepticism concerning what hypnosis can really do for them, but soon discover that their long-standing addictions, struggles with depression, or other deep-rooted problems are all obstacles that can be removed permanently. Regardless of our starting point, we are all capable of greater happiness in our lives through attention to the power of our unconscious minds. This part of our mind, which is largely untapped yet so crucial to our perspective on every event and person in our lives, can be trained to look at any detail that currently makes us unhappy through a completely different lens.

I was reflecting on happiness today and I began to think about the impact of our physical environment on the ease with which we are happy. By this, I am not just referring to having beautiful pillows on our couch or a lush flower garden in which to meditate. In this instance, my curiosity is on a larger scale. Is there a part of the country that lends itself to a greater sense of peace and bigger smiles?

I live in California, and there certainly is plenty to love about my beautiful state. We have beaches that frame spectacular sunsets, amazing mountains, temperate weather, and forests that promptly put humans in their place. But, did you know that, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, people in Utah had the highest levels of well-being? Other top scorers included Hawaii, Wyoming, Colorado, and Minnesota. On the other end of the spectrum, West Virginia was branded with the unfortunate title of being the unhappiest state in America. The researchers looked at six different areas when making their determinations—life evaluation, physical health, emotional health, healthy behavior, work environment, and basic access. The participants were asked a series of questions over the phone in a study that took over a year to complete. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your job? Do you have health insurance? Have you smiled or laughed today? I would agree that the answers to all of these questions may influence your level of happiness.

I am not implying that simply moving to a new location will improve your level of happiness. In order to achieve genuine self-love and a fulfilling life, you need to do the work that will remove the psychological burdens that hold you back. However, it is interesting to think about how the lifestyle, culture, and even weather of our chosen home can have an impact on our well-being. I encourage you to spend some time really looking at the place you live. Are there specific positives that foster your health, or negatives that must be overcome, in your neighborhood or town?

Check out my Book and CD and maybe this will give you some help:

I would love to hear about where you live and its contribution to your happiness.

Please leave a comment on this blog so that all of us can learn!

Shayn Cutino

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Do You Look Forward to Mondays?

Welcome to what for most of us is the start of a new work week! Do you look forward to the possibilities that each new day brings? Or, does today find you experiencing what I have heard referred to as a “case of the Mondays”? If you are hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock multiple times, either because you are exhausted from a restless night or because the thought of experiencing yet another week of your life as it currently feels makes you want to hide under the covers, it is time for some focus on self and the determination that you are going to create a new daily path.

There are many obstacles that may be preventing you from embracing the potential that exists with each new turn of your weekly calendar. Perhaps you dread going to work because you are not confident in your skills at the office and worry that others are always judging you. Maybe you do not look forward to that first look in the mirror after you get out of the shower because you only see what you perceive as flaws. Are you dealing with guilt because you are not meeting someone else’s expectations concerning what you should be doing with your life? Imagine these emotional burdens being lifted from your daily experience. How differently would you greet Monday morning?

In my new book The Anja Technique, I address all of the primary obstacles that prevent us from experiencing self-love and greater confidence. Then, I take my readers through relaxation techniques and affirmation exercises that will remove these burdens from your daily thoughts for good. Even if you have been dealing with feelings of guilt, low self-esteem or jealousy since they took root in your childhood, you can enjoy a life free from these destructive emotions.

I hope you will try The Anja Technique and then please let me know how it worked for you.

It’s time to look forward to Mondays again!
Contact me if I can be of help with suggestions and offerings

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Shayn Cutino is back and here is her message for the day...

Smile and laugh often as these are the things that move energy in a path of growth. Give thanks for your efforts and your love in these critical times of change. Stay steady along your path. Seek qualities not outside of yourself but within, and in t...he seeking you will find love of self, joy in existence and peace of heart.
It is great to be back! Espavo.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Is Your Reason for Not Sleeping at Night?

Take a moment to glance over at the clock on your computer. What time is it as you are reading this article? Are you up in the middle of the night surfing through articles on the internet because you are unable to sleep? Have you arrived at this site after playing an hour of solitaire and watching sitcom reruns on cable? Maybe you are concerned about a loved one who is having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep. We need seven or eight hours of quality sleep every night and many areas of our life suffer when this does not happen. Our motor skills and reaction time are diminished, our work performance is hindered, and we likely face more moments of depression. I am sure we all can list the ways in which lack of sleep affects us specifically, but do you know the primary reasons that insomnia occurs in the first place?

One of the most basic reasons that people struggle with insomnia is that their lives are overbooked. Even when they finally manage to get themselves into bed, their minds are still running a mile a minute with thoughts of all of the tasks that must get done the next day. Hormones are also a problem for women in their attempts to get good rest at night. In fact, more than 70% of women complain of sleep problems during their menstrual cycle. This could be due to bloating, cramps, or mood disorders. In some instances, a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea, snoring, or restless leg syndrome may be to blame. Finally, a person who is suffering from depression has a much higher chance of finding it difficult to relax and sleep at night.

There are a variety of options available for someone who is looking for a way to resolve her problems with insomnia. In fact, there are entire clinics and a field of medicine dedicated only to sleep disorders. The pharmaceutical companies will be happy to recommend medicine that will help people get to sleep at night. Of course, let’s not forget mom’s favorite remedy of a glass of warm milk! If you haven’t found the solution that helps you sleep at night and feel refreshed when the alarm clock rings in the morning, I would like to suggest another option.

Hypnotheyrapy is a safe and proven method for alleviating many of the problems that may be holding you back in life, including insomnia. Through relaxation techniques and the unlocking of your unconscious mind, a trained therapist can discover the core reasons that you are not allowing yourself to rest and retrain your thought process to provide for true relaxation. Whether you are focused on an unpleasant point of stress, reliving nighttime difficulties that you had a child, or caught in a period of depression, hypnotherapy can remove the obstacle from your mind and you will sleep better. And, the improvements will be permanent. If you are tired (literally!) of walking around in a cloud of exhaustion every day and you know that your life could be more fulfilling if you could make insomnia a problem of the past, I hope you will consider clinical hypnotherapy as a possible prescription for your pain.

To learn more about me and my offerings please see the below

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Be Your Own “Happy Place”

Have you ever heard someone tell you to “go to your happy place”? This is often a recommendation we receive when we are dealing with a lot of stress or heartache. The point is to escape, as least in our minds, to a different environment in which we can experience peace and serenity. We are all unique individuals, so I am sure that everyone’s “happy place” is specific to their personalities. Some may envision a quiet beach at sunset with the surf rushing towards the shore. Others may prefer a seat behind home plate at Yankee Stadium during Game 7 of the World Series. Perhaps you transport to a huge amusement park with every roller coaster at your immediate disposal. What if you could make any situation a part of your “happy place” simply because you are there and happy with yourself.

Each of us has the ability to obtain a greater level of confidence and self-love that will allow us to be happy right where we are. To achieve this goal, we must first recognize what is preventing us from being able to enjoy true happiness. Maybe you already know the obstacles in your own mind. Are you struggling with jealousy related to a past relationship, a competitive sibling, or even a stranger? Was your self-esteem damaged in childhood by parents and other mentors who always told you that you were not good enough? Do you harbor guilt from some regrettable decisions that you made earlier in life? You can move forward from these emotional shackles.

In my new book The Anja Technique, I discuss the ten primary obstacles that prevent us from experiencing complete self-love and then guide you through relaxation techniques and affirmation exercises that will teach your brain to reject the thoughts that are holding you back. The obstacles, no matter how pervasive, can be removed for good!

I hope you will read The Anja Technique and listen to the CD, then begin your journey towards a happy place that is with you no matter where you are.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Creating a Toolbox for Your Life

Every profession comes with its own set of “tools of the trade.” If you are conducting a symphony orchestra, you need to have your music stand, baton, and score. If your job involves painting homes, you likely have ladders, brushes, and drop cloths. Most writers will tell you that their work cannot be completed without a reliable laptop, a comfortable chair, and the proper lighting. What about you? I am certain that you quickly can develop a list of tools that you need at your disposal to have a successful work day. What if you decided to take this same question further and extend it to your life in general? Are there specific tools that you need around you to ensure a happy existence? I would like to offer a few possibilities.

An important component of my toolbox is relationships with other people. Human beings are social creatures and, for the most part, crave interaction with our fellow travelers on this journey of life. In many ways, the conveniences of modern technology have hindered our personal relationships. Instead of talks over coffee and long phone conversations, we have text messages and emails. We increasingly spend time in front of our computers and television screens instead of talking over the fence with our neighbors. I suggest that we make a greater effort to include time with others in our toolbox.

We also need some items in that box that are personally stimulating to our senses and our intellect. Do you enjoy spending time sitting on the beach with a great book? Do you get a feeling of satisfaction when you knit a sweater? Perhaps you like the challenge of returning to school and taking some night classes simply for the pleasure of learning something new. Most of us, particularly women, seem to be pulled in so many directions on any given day. Make sure that you make yourself a priority and grab some tools that invigorate your soul. When you take the time to develop a skill or engage in a special talent, you are offering yourself an important sense of satisfaction. This is an important step in developing heightened self-esteem.

Perhaps more important than any other item we can carry in our toolbox of life, we need to be our own biggest fans and move forward with confidence in the marvelous creations we continue to become. That being said, I would like to suggest one more tool that I personally offer to those who are on a quest for greater happiness. In my new book, "The Anja Technique", I guide my readers through safe and effective relaxation techniques that will open the door to an increased sense of self-love. I tackle each of the main obstacles that stand in our way of true acceptance of self, such as guilt, self-doubt, and anger, and share affirmations that you can use to defeat these mental roadblocks.

I hope that you will take the opportunity to try "The Anja Technique" and see what a difference it can make in your life.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Music is an Important Accompaniment to Life

Music serves as background for so many moments in our life, both the important milestones and the everyday occurrences. Great lengths are taken to pick out the perfect song to serve as a lifetime reminder of a special school dance or your first moments together as a married couple. We grab a box of tissues and settle in for a good cry set to sad songs when we want to work through a painful end to a relationship. We turn up the fun beach music in our cars as we head down the freeway to our summer vacation. What would movies be like without a soundtrack or college football feel without a marching band? I value the emotional connections we all have to music of some sort, and therefore made it an important part of my new book.

In The Anja Technique, I teach my readers about the ten obstacles, usually originating in childhood, that prevent us from achieving the most fulfilling life possible. Problems like guilt, low self-esteem, and jealousy get wired into our brains and penetrate our thoughts about ourselves and others. My book then offers specific relaxation techniques and affirmations through which readers can remove these obstacles from their lives, all from the comfort and privacy of their own homes. Along with the book The Anja Technique, everyone receives a CD of music that was created to enhance the healing experience and provide greater focus to the exercises.

If you are searching for a way to find a greater sense of self-love and more happiness as you journey through this life, I hope you will consider The Anja Technique as a source of information and comfort for you. We all have the power to improve our own lives, and the steps are not as difficult as you may think.

Read the book, meditate along with the music, and then please let me know what The Anja Technique meant to you.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Shayn Cutino's - Message of the Day

We have a choice in how we perceive everything we experience. If we choose to go into fear and grief, we will attract more of the same into out lives. But, if we choose to accept what is before us and react from faith, knowing that, even if we do not understand, there is divinity in all things, then we will find that in the midst of chaos, we can have peace. We can change our reality!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Time to Unpack Your Luggage"

The summer months usually bring the opportunity for a vacation to an exciting, or perhaps simply relaxing, destination. Have you made the annual visit to your parents who live on the other side of the country? Is there a particular beach house that you rent with your family every year with the same reliable crab shack being your dinner location of choice? Maybe this is the summer that you take your kids to experience Disney World for the first time. Whatever your plans may be, you likely made a list of the appropriate luggage to pack for your journey. And, if your car is headed in the direction of the cool air of the mountains, you probably don’t need to pack three pairs of flip-flops and your smallest bikini. You would be wasting space in your suitcase if you emptied these items out of your closet. What if we take this situation and replace the physical items with emotional ones? What are you carrying around in the luggage of your brain that is not necessary to move forward with your life?

We often hear the phrase “she’s got so much baggage.” We use those words to refer to a person who always seems to be dragged down with an emotional problem or proves incapable of getting along with others in a healthy relationship. Sometimes, we casually joke about baggage simply concerning a person we do not like. However, please know that old baggage is a very real problem and no laughing matter. There are ten primary obstacles that can develop during our childhood, including jealousy, self-esteem issues, guilt, and fear. The effects of these early problems will continue into our adulthood unless we take steps to remove their power. Would you like to get rid of some luggage that is weighing you down day after day?

If you are tired of doubting your worth or always comparing your shortcomings to the more admirable qualities in others, it is time to consider a new way to change your life. By unlocking the power of your unconscious mind, you can work through each piece of your luggage and toss the items that are no longer (or likely have never) worked for the betterment of your soul. Most of us go our entire lives without tapping into the complexities of our unconscious mind, the area of our brain that captures the early thoughts that are handed to us in our youth. When you open this part of our mind, you can retrain your thoughts to disregard the unpleasant falsehoods that others used to weight you down. You no longer will believe that you are not worthy or live with the unnecessary guilt that has prevented you from experiencing all of the richness around you.

Your unconscious mind can be reached through the simple and effective relaxation techniques that I share in my new book 'The Anja Technique'. You will learn how to address each of life’s obstacles in a specific manner and practice statements of validation that will build you up and render the old problems obsolete.

I hope you will try 'The Anja Technique' and start to unpack that baggage that does nothing but weigh you down from reaching true happiness in your life.

Feel Free to Contact me if you have any qustions..

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shayn's Quote for Saturday August 1st

Everything that has happened in your life has had a purpose and a meaning, whether you judge it to be pain or joy. To accept what has happened is to acknowledge your path..your journey. You can make no wrong decision. They are simply choices with different experiences. Once you love and accept who you are, you can easily make a choice for something different. It is the nature of energy.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Start the Healing Process from the Comfort of Your Own Home

It is not unusual to have a certain level of apprehension when you are considering any new step forward in your life. Some people get anxious when they enter an aerobics studio for the first time and wonder if they should hide in the back of the class so no one notices when they cannot follow the steps. Others find that visiting the dentist after a voluntary absence of years is a terrifying prospect that may involve drills, needles, and plenty of promises to themselves that proper teeth care will be a bigger priority in the future. Along these same lines, making the choice to meet with a professional with the intention of improving one’s emotional or psychological state can be overwhelming. What if I have to discuss topics from my past that make me uncomfortable? Will I get frustrated if I do not feel better quickly? How do therapy and the related treatments affect my brain functions?

If you know that you could be experiencing a happier life, but you are hesitant to make that first phone call to a professional therapist or counselor, why not start the process of improving yourself in the comfort of your own home? In my new book The Anja Technique, I guide my readers through several relaxation techniques and affirmation exercises that will safely and effectively remove the psychological obstacles in their lives. Whether you are plagued by jealousy, self-esteem issues, guilt, or a variety of other roadblocks to your happiness, The Anja Technique will work for you. I also explain the root of these issues so that you can identify the core problems and release yourself from their grips. The book also comes with a companion CD that will gently guide you through the process.

I hope you will consider reading The Anja Technique and discovering the difference it can make in your life. There is a more fulfilling, confident life waiting for you and you have the power to make it happen. I look forward to hearing from you and learning how The Anja Technique worked for you.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shayn's Quote of the Day

When you begin to see a challenge as an opportunity for growth: when you have a desire to accomplish a task that you allow nothing or no one to stop you; when you have placed your clear, concise vision into the Universe asking for the best outcome, for your greatest good and the greater good of all; when you have laid a firm foundation and move forward towards your goal, then you will find and live your passion.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Important Message - Sit Back Relax and Enjoy!

"The Anja Technique" by Shayn Cutino - Helps you to Obtain Your Dreams

TO Learn More about the Author Shayn Cutino

A Transformational System that will lead You to the Life of your Dreams

The Anja Technique the art of self love is a book and companion CD that teaches you how to overcome the obstacles of inner conflict, self-doubt, negative thoughts, guilt, anger, fear, self-hate, self-criticism and jealousy.

The Anja Technique CD features guided imagery that creates relaxation. No Joke, do listen to this CD use while driving or operating machinery.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Crossing the Line from Self-Improvement to Self-Criticism

There certainly are times during which we need to take an honest look at ourselves and make an honest assessment of our need for self-improvement. Am I the caring parent, child, spouse, friend that I want to be? What additional steps could I be taking to improve my chances of professional success? Am I taking care of my physical self through regular exercise and a well-balanced diet, or am I making decisions which harm my body? We are constantly evolving creatures, so we should be looking for new ways to grow and improve. However, we need to be careful of indulging in the dangerous practice of self-criticism. If you are standing in front of the mirror every morning pointing out every one of your flaws, both visible and unseen, you are dealing with an obstacle that is preventing from a complete and fulfilled life.

The negative thoughts and emotions that plague our minds are based in
the unconscious mind and usually develop in childhood. If you were raised by someone who constantly made you aware of your shortcomings or perhaps simply did not offer positive reinforcement, the seeds of self-criticism likely were planted in you. You grew into an adult with criticism being your only known method of communication, probably both for yourself and concerning the way you treat others. Wouldn’t life be so much more enjoyable if you were able to focus on what makes you wonderful and beautifully unique?

Your unconscious mind can be rewired to remove the power that negative thoughts have on your everyday happiness. Obstacles such as self-criticism, which have affected your level of confidence for as long as you can remember, can be destroyed. In my new book,
The Anja Technique, I teach my readers simple and safe relaxation techniques that will remove those old blocks and bring you to new levels of confidence and self-love. You will learn how these obstacles developed in the first place and practice specific affirmations that will make you realize how worthy you are of love.

I hope you will read
The Anja Technique and then let me know what its content meant to you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shayne's Quote of the Day

When you are high on the scale of love, you don't have to climb higher. At that particular
moment, love is the focus of everything. When you're not climbing to get up the ladder of love
because you are already there, the ladder falls away, and you understand something you have
never understood before. Love is just another project of All That Is.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Make the Most Important Approval Your Own

From a very young age, we expend a great deal of energy trying to earn the validation of the people in our lives. Research completed by child psychologists and educators shows that the youngest of infants show signs of confusion and despondence when their moms are not thrilled by every adorable smile or appeal for attention. As we go through school, peer pressure and the need for teachers’ approval affect plenty of our decisions for the better or worse. When it comes to pursuing romantic relationships, we sometimes allow ourselves to hide part of our personalities or worry about whether or not every little flaw will be magnified by the person whose heart we desire. Allow me to suggest a novel concept to you. What if the person whose validation you craved the most was your own? Did you know if you truly love yourself and carry a genuine sense of self-confidence, the rest of the world will follow?

You likely have heard the assertion that the first four years of a child’s life are the most critical in terms of brain development and this is not just valid for intellectual growth. There are ten primary obstacles that stand in your way of achieving the self-love and more fulfilling life that you deserve, including negative thoughts, resentment, and fear. These emotional barriers took root early in your childhood and have contributed to the thought processes in your brain ever since then. However, you need to know that it is possible to break down these obstacles and make them irrelevant in your life. You actually can retrain the way that your own brain works through plugging into your unconscious mind. What is the best part of this news? This reworking of your mindset can be achieved through safe and straightforward relaxation techniques that will affirm you and generate a beautiful love of self.

If you make the decision to take charge of your own happiness, what can you expect your newfound self-love to look like? It is not an inflated ego that leaves you unable to recognize your own needs for further improvement. It does not come with a need to ignore the desires and needs of others in order to focus on your own well-being. Instead, self-love is an acknowledgement of the outside influences that are impacting your life and making the decision not to give them more value than they are worth. It is the recognition that all of us face obstacles in our way of thinking and we deserve to own the skills that will allow us to navigate through them. We are all wonderfully flawed humans who deserve to present ourselves as precious individuals. That is the embodiment of self-love. Sounds like a pretty great concept to me.

If you want to learn more about the obstacles that are preventing you from living the best life possible and how you can take steps to defeat them, I hope you will consider reading my new book The Anja Technique. Through basic relaxation techniques and the personal affirmations that I share in my book, you will overcome negative thinking and find a greater love than you have ever known … your own.