Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shayn Cutino's Words of Inspiration for Us All

"Have faith in yourself. Know that you are the future of hope for all humanity as well as the caretakers of each other. Live your life with a sense of pride and joy because there is no one else who can bring your voice to the forefront but you. Move a...way from fear, ego and fragmented thoughts so you can view yourself objectively. Now is the end of the beginning. Awaken the dreamer within."

"Have no expectations of yourself. Others will place their expectation on you, and when they do, realize that this is about their needs and desires and not yours. You are here to learn, to be free like children, to find joy, to explore the simplicity ...and honesty of life, and to grow through laughter and shared experiences. Your life was meant to be a joyful experience..... so allow yourself the chance to feel joy!"

"Open your heart, no matter how heavy your load or how painful a defeat may seem. Keep your focus on the positive that comes from these experiences and the happier you will be. We are all in this together and when you raise your vibration in love, it ...affects ALL. Know that everything is divinely perfect and that beyond the dark clouds, the sky is always blue and the sun never stops shining."

Times are rough for most of us in one way or another right now. Please feel free to contact me
and maybe I can be of some help!

(Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Holistic Practitioner, Soul Coach. Passionate about helping people overcome obstacles through hypnosis. Phone sessions available worldwide.)

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