Reduce stress – Increase performance and production – Create life/work balance
Anja Wellness
Brentwood, CA 94561
Phone: 925.516.2868
Email: Shayn@anjawellness.com
Reduce and Manage Workplace Stress
In today’s challenging economic climate, managing stress can make the difference between success and failure on the job. The stress we take with us to the job and the stress that waits when we get there is on the rise. Everyone is feeling the pressure. We all know that some stress is good, but excessive stress interferes with productivity as well as emotional and physical health. Fortunately there is a lot that can be done to manage and reduce stress at work.
As a stress management consultant, I offer cost-saving solutions to keep employees healthy and increase production.
Stress Overload
It’s important to learn to recognize when stress levels are out of control. The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. The signs and symptoms of stress overload can be almost anything from memory problems to sleeping too much or too little. When stress on the job is interfering with the ability to work it’s time to take action. The better employees feel the better equipped they’ll be to manage work stress without becoming overwhelmed.
The Stress Solution
It is always in a company’s best interest to keep stress levels in the workplace at a minimum. There are organizational changes that both managers and employees can make to replace workplace stress.
To remain competitive in today’s market, mangers and executives need to evaluate how this excess stress may be affecting their employees as well as their bottom line. Whether you are an individual, a small company or a corporation, facilitating your freedom from stress and creating life-work balance is my priority!
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Looking forward to your call or email
Shayn Cutino
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