Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
MEDITATION CLASSES - Do not Forget about the class!!!

Meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Anyone who lives a 'modern lifestyle’ will benefit from these meditation classes.
Meditation is also the essential key for anyone wishing to explore the more profound and subtle aspects of their being.
Begin your week by regenerating yourself and the world around you. Each Monday evening you can learn how to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life and bring greater harmony and joy into your existence.
Classes will start March 15th at 6:30 pm. Cost $10.00 per session.
Experience true mental freedom today! Class space is limited so call 516-2868 today!
Seasonal Allergies – The AhChoooo Factor !

Conventional medicine currently offers treatment options that provide temporary relief of allergy symptoms. Alternative medical practitioners, however, have found that by correcting the underlying causes of allergies, most allergy symptoms can be eliminated for good. Modifying your diet and restoring your normal immune-defense functions may help you breathe, eat, and live allergy-free again.
An allergen (a substance provoking an allergy symptom) is a protein that the body determines to be foreign and unsafe. The adverse reaction that follows is called “an allergic reaction”. Common symptoms include breathing congestion, sneezing, coughing, itching, swelling, hives and bloodshot or scratchy eyes. Allergies fall into two basic categories, those caused by environmental factors and those caused by food. Let’s take a look at both.
The most common cause of allergies caused by outdoor environmental factors are the pollen of various plants such as trees, weeds and grass. We as a society spend up to 90% of our time indoors and because of this trend; indoor irritants are triggering more cases of allergic hay fever than outdoor sources.
The most common include house dust mites, molds and tobacco smoke. Less common, but equally serious, are products such as cosmetics, perfumes, household cleaning agents and even the fabrics in our clothes. There are numerous synthetic chemicals in personal hygiene products, cleaning supplies and building supplies that contain additional irritants which could cause allergic reactions. Chemical sensitivity is a modern phenomenon, partially due to pesticides found in food and heavy metals in water.
Interestingly enough, most adverse reactions to foods are sensitivities, not true allergies. The U.S. Department of Agriculture report that 15% of the total population suffers from reactions to food. Of that number, 1.5% experience true, antibody-medicated allergies: the remaining 13.5% suffer from food sensitivities. The foods most commonly found to cause allergies include wheat, corn, milk, tomatoes, soy, shellfish, peanuts, chocolate (sorry ladies), egg whites and other dairy products as well as food dyes and additives.
According to a study conducted by the New England Foundation for Allergies and Environmental Disease, diets of most allergy patients, which consist of 30 foods or less, are eaten repeatedly. For example, if someone eats wheat bread everyday, they could easily develop a wheat allergy due to the immune systems continuous exposure to it. Now there’s some food for thought!
Here are some allergy prevention strategies:
• Adopt a diet that includes a wide variety of non allergenic fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts and low-fat, nondairy products.
• Stay well hydrated by drinking at least eight to twelve 8oz glasses of pure water daily
•Rotate your food by not eating any one food more often than every four days
•Keep windows closed, especially during allergy season
•Avoid tobacco smoke
•Achieve ideal relative humidity in the home
•Avoid or limit wheat, dairy products, and alcohol.
•Take a good, all round antioxidant supplement containing vitamins A, C
and E, beta-carotene, selenium, zinc plus the amino acids cysteine or glutathione, which help to increase your resistance.
.Use cleaning products that list their natural ingredients on the label and purchase cleaners containing non-petroleum-based surfactants.
These are some of the things you can do naturally to improve your health and your life. Although having allergies is certainly uncomfortable, it doesn’t have to be miserable.
Please free to contact me if you have any questions or if you can add any more helpful
as we come upon the toughest time of the year.

Shayn Cutino

Intuition is knowing without words, sensing the truth without explanations. It operates beyond time and space and is a link to your higher self. It often speaks to you as the playful child that would lure you away from a harder path to a more joyful one. Your intuition is always leading you toward aliveness and joy, and out of stuck places.
~ Orin and Daben
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Seasonal Affective Disorder – SAD? Walk Away from the Blues - Part 1

It is estimated that 20% of the American adult population, or 36 million people, are affected by SAD every year. The further you live from the equator, the more susceptible you are.
As the seasons change from spring and summer to fall and winter, do you develop any of the following symptoms?
o Diminished productivity or creativity?
o Feeling that you have little or no control over your appetite or weight?
o More memory and concentration problems?
o Lower energy than usual?
o Lowered interest in socializing?
o Awakening feeling tired even though you are sleeping more?
o Mood changes such as feeling more anxious, irritable, sad, or depressed?
o Lessened ability to cope with stress?
o Less enthusiasm about the future or reduced enjoyment in your life?
If you answered yes to two or more of these, you may be one of the many people affected by SAD.
SAD can be aggravated by reduced light outside during winter months and by spending too much time in indoor environments that have low levels of light, whether at home or at work. SAD symptoms have been reported during summer months from people who work in environments without windows. They can also occur in overly sensitive individuals at any time of year after a series of cloudy days.
The 3 brain chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine affect how we feel, our energy level and mood. During the winter month’s people with SAD tend to crave sweets and carbs. Eating large amounts of carbs usually increases the amount of tryptophan (an essential amino acid derived from protein foods) that gets into the brain. Once in the brain, the tryptophan becomes serotonin, the neurotransmitter that is so critical to psychological well-being. So, if you tend to be drawn to sweets and starches in the winter months it may be your body’s attempt to raise your levels of serotonin.
Seasonal Affective Disorder – SAD? Walk Away from the Blues Part 2

If you have been diagnosed with SAD, here are some suggestions:
• Get as much light as possible and avoid dark environments during daylight hours in winter.
• Discuss your symptoms with your physician. If diagnosed with SAD, they may prescribe special light treatments to help relieve your symptoms.
• Move that body – Exercise daily, preferably outdoors taking advantage of the natural light.
• Rearrange work spaces near a window, or set up bright lights in your work area.
• Stay on a regular sleep-wake cycle. It has been reported that people with SAD feel more alert when they stick to a regular schedule.
• Be aware of cold temperatures and dress to conserve your energy. Many people affected by seasonal changes are more sensitive to extreme temperatures.
• Avoid or minimize unnecessary stress.
• When possible, postpone making major life changes until spring or summer.
• If possible, arrange your vacation during the winter months in a warm and sunny climate.
• Set up a timer in your bedroom to switch on the lights a half an hour or more before you get up. This technique has been reported to have an antidepressant effect and actually help people awaken more easily.
• Eat a good diet. Choose lean proteins such as those found in lean meat, poultry (without skin), fish, eggs, beans and low-fat dairy products. When choosing carbohydrate foods go for the whole grain varieties as much as possible including bread, pasta and rice. Eat ample salads and vegetables as well as fruit daily.
There’s no known way to prevent the development of SAD. However, if you take steps early on to manage symptoms, you may be able to prevent them from getting worse over time. By gaining control over symptoms before they begin, you may be able to head off the serious changes in mood, appetite and behavior that can disrupt your daily life.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Something New added to Anja Wellness Blog

1)Shayn to speak at Sutter Delta Hospital on 3/22, Monday at 6pm on topic: "Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation" – class is free
2)"Meditation" – 3/15 at 7pm for only $10 in my Office..Come on over!

Also, if you have any questions, ideas, interests please feel free to email me at: . I am always open to new ideas.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Looking for a gift that will keep on giving? Be Different for Valentines Day!

Call Shayn today to obtain your Gift Certificate at (925) 516-2868
Do not live in the area? Not a problem, I am now taking sessions via the phone.
Also, do not forget to look at my store for other gift ideas.
Just add a some flowers and some candles and it will be a Valentines Days she will not forget!
"The Learning Cafe" - Shayn Cutino

Shayn Cutino: Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypno-Coach
Anja Wellness: 925.516.2868
Shayn Cutino has always been a natural “corporate therapist”. Shayn has spent the last 26 years working with individuals and organizations, guiding them to achieve positive health and behavioral changes as well as defining values and ethics to develop leadership and team playing.
Shayn is a collaborative author of “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health”, assembled by David Riklan from Self-Growth and has recently release her own book entitled “The Anja Technique – the art of self love”. By utilizing hypnosis you create positive thoughts. Couple that with positive actions and the outcome you achieve is predictable and positive results.
“I believe in the value of what I do and what I offer to others. Your success has been in you since birth and hypnosis helps you find it”.
Saturday, February 6, 2010

We all need help to understand ourselves better and Shayn Cutino has written a book to help us obtain the true happiness we would like to obtain.

To order your signed copy the book - Click Here
Good Luck with your Journey!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Benfits of Meditation
The benefits of meditation are many!
- Slows your heart rate down
- Your breathing will slow down
- Your blood pressure regulates
- Your oxygen levels out
- Your immune functions improve
- Many have credited meditation with their dropping of bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and drugs
Contact Shayn Cutino if interested in starting a group
Shayn has a few groups looking to start. Bring your friends and all learn how to relax and have some free time for yourself.
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